Logs, Firewood and Billets
Keeping you warm through winter and summer
© Logs Firewood and Billets 2002 - 2015
Frequently Asked Questions
What are our delivery charges?
We aim to keep delivery charges down to a minimum and try to combine deliveries in each area.
We charge between £10-50 dependin on quantity and distance. Please contact us for information.
Where do we deliver to?
We aim to deliver nationwide to keep costs low we deliver in certain areas on specific days
depending on demand please contact us to discuss your delivery requirements.
Which wood is best?
Hardwoods are generally better for burning in wood burning stoves than softwoods. As a rule of thumb hardwoods
are produced by slow-growing deciduous trees (those trees that loose their leaves) and therefore the logs have a
greater density than the faster growing softwoods from evergreen trees. Since hardwood logs are heavier than the
same sized softwood log they will provide you with much more heat output – up to 50%. For the stove owner,
using hardwood logs means having to fill the stove up less often than they would with softwood logs.
Only ever use dried, fully seasoned chopped wood logs with a moisture content of less than 20%. As a rule of
thumb, wood which is well seasoned makes a distinctive ‘clack’ rather than a dull ‘thud’ when knocked together. It
will also feel much lighter than an unseasoned log. Other indicators of a seasoned log include the bark peeling
away and cracking and splitting of the wood around the outside. Ideally wood should be seasoned outdoors for
between 18 to 24 months – the harder the wood then the longer the seasoning. It should be stacked off the
ground with plenty of space between the logs to allow air movement and with the top covered to keep rain and
snow out. It is said that seasoned wood will give you approximately 50% more heat output than the equivalent
unseasoned log so that alone makes it very worthwhile.
A moisture meter specially designed for testing wood logs is highly recommended and a small investment which
will pay for itself over and over again.
email emma@logsfirewoodandbillets.co.uk 01477 537 179 M. 07721 456 767
Alder Produces little heat and burns quickly
Apple Burns slowly and steadily with reasonable heat and a lovely smell. However it produces a
disappointing flame
Ash Widely regarded as a great burning wood, with low smoke and an excellent flame pattern (even on
slow-burning) which provides plenty of heat, as well as being readily available wherever you live in the
UK and Ireland.
Beech Makes a good log which burns well. However because of its high water content it can take much
longer to season than most other log varieties
Birch These logs burn quickly but nevertheless provide good heat output, bright lively flames and a
pleasing smell. Best mixed with other slower burning logs such as Elm (particularly slow burning), Ash or
Cedar Produces a well burning log with long lasting heat
Cherry A lovely slow burning wood producing a good heat output as well as a lovely smell. Great at
Chestnut Not a particularly good wood fuel with reasonable a flame and heat output
Cypress Fast-growing garden tree. Difficult to handle before being cut into logs because of the density
and numbers of branches. Burns very quickly so best mixed with other logs
Elm A good firewood and unfortunately because of Dutch Elm Disease it has been in plentiful supply in
recent years. Burns well but slowly so it generally needs a faster burning log to help to get it going. Once
established it gives out good long-lasting heat and is the ideal log to put on last thing at night because it
burns so slowly. Its very high water content means that it is not quickly seasoned
Eucalyptus A fast-growing ornamental tree which needs to be kept on top of in small gardens hence its
inclusion on this list. Must be very well-seasoned but produces an obvious pleasant aromatic smell and
burns reasonably well
Hawthorn If you can get hold of this already cut into logs then it makes a steady burning firewood
producing a good heat output, otherwise its vicious thorns make it very unpleasant to handle no matter
how careful you are
Hazel Burns quite fast but still produces a very good heat
Holly Produces little heat and is fast burning but has a bright flame
Laburnum If you chop down one of these in your garden then our advice is to take it straight to the tip.
Every part of the tree is poisonous and when sawn a nasty sulphurous yellow sap oozes from the cuts.
Even when seasoned it produces an inordinate amount of foul smelling smoke and will render your
Airwash system obsolete, as one of The Stove Yard's customers found to his cost
Larch A large fast-growing conifer which, unusually, looses its leaves in the Autumn. This softwood
produces a reasonable heat but like Pine has the potential downside of leaving oily and sticky deposits in
the flue system if not burned at a high temperature. Best mixed with other woods and not recommended
for slumber or overnight burning. The discovery of the Phytophthora Ramorum disease in 2009 in the UK,
which affects Larch trees and requires diseased trees to be felled, may result in a cheap plentiful supply.
However, the movement of potentially infected logs may be legally restricted, so please ensure that you
buy your logs or kindling, which could contain Larch, from a reputable source.
Lime Not the best of hardwoods with an unimpressive flame
Oak Generally considered one of the very best wood fuel logs and therefore much sought after. However
it must be seasoned for a long time – at least two years. It burns fairly slowly with nice flames and
produces an excellent long lasting heat even when only the embers are left
Pear Similar to Apple wood, burns slowly and steadily to provide a reasonable heat and, again, with a
pleasant smell but disappointing flame
Pine or Deal Both common resinous softwoods which need to be well seasoned. Usually acquired as
joiners off-cuts which have already been kiln dried and therefore they will make good kindling. Burns fast
with a bright flame, however because of the high resin content excessive use could eventually cause
problems in the flue system with oily and sticky deposits. Better to mix with other woods and do not burn
Poplar Not recommended – even when very well seasoned it burns poorly and produces an unpleasant
black smoke
Rowan Produces slow well burning logs
Spruce A softwood, which weighs around a third less than an equivalent oak log so it will burn very
quickly. From our own experience It produces a low heat, can be smoky and produces some sparks, so it
is really only any good for starting fires and should ideally be substituted with a harder wood on the first
reload or generally mixed with hardwood. It does however split relatively easily.
Sycamore and other Maples Makes a good wood fuel log, burning well with a moderate heat output and
good flame
Willow Even when very well seasoned Willow produces poor slow burning fire wood with little flame
Yew Slow burning with tremendous heat
Never use wet or unseasoned (green) wood as this will cause nuisance smoke and a very disappointing fire. It
could quickly result in the build up of soot and creosote which, because of the higher temperatures of stove flue
gases, could easily cause a flue or chimney fire. In addition, burning wet wood creates other environmental
problems, a less efficient fuel economy and can eventually quickly clog your flue system and cowl.
Wet or unseasoned would produces the following poor performance:
Fires that are simply very hard and very slow to start
Fires that are then difficult to keep going or to keep burning well
Smokey fires with fewer flames which are also lacklustre and of a dull or dirty orange colour
Increased dense grey / blue smoke from the chimney
Shorter burn times
Low heat output
Excessive and rapid creosote build-up in the flue system and chimney